101 Fitness Games for Kids at Camp: Vol. #2-Skill-Development Games

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Ted Vickey
50 minutes
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101 Fitness Games for Kids at Camp: Vol. #2-Skill-Development Games is one of six volumesin the six-part DVD series (Vol. #1-Team-Building Games; Vol. #3-Icebreaker Games; Vol.#4-Competitive Games; Vol. #5-Strength/Agility Games; and Vol. #6-CardiovascularGames) that details fun, dynamic ways to keep children at camp engaged and involved, whileenhancing their overall health and well-being. The series offers an amazing assortment ofgames-some old, some new-that are designed to provide an opportunity for young campersto be physically active.

Among the topics covered:

• Basketball H-O-R-S-E
• Around the world
• Parachute
• Musical hoops
• Uno® fitness
• Hit the ball
• Cow pie throw
• Calf roping
• Alaskan baseball
• Catch the fish
• Leapfrog
• Ball relay