Crisis Communications Weathering the Storm: A Handbook for Camps and Other Youth Programs - E-Pub

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Marla Coleman, Jessica Coleman
383 pages
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  A crisis is an event that would detrimentally and significantly affect the health, safety, operation, reputation, and/or well-being of any individual in camp, the camp itself, or the surrounding community-and it requires immediate action. The key to managing a crisis is communication-in prevention, in response, and in recovery. A well-conceived crisis-response communications plan will ensure that everyone has the most up-to-date information to support the varied needs of campers, staff, families, and the larger community. Within Crisis Communications Weathering the Storm, you will find resources to create your own customized crisis-response communications plan, as well as suggestions and templates for a complete crisis plan.

Each chapter contains these and other key topics:
  • Crisis Communications-An Overview (your audience and ten crisis communications essentials)
  • Key Messages (proactive and reactive)
  • Communicating Within the Camp Community (talking with staff and talking with campers)
  • Communicating With Parents (building trust)
  • Communicating With the Public (lead with solutions, admit points, lessons learned, and calls to action)
  • Communicating With the Media (conditioning, dos and don'ts, and anticipatory issues)
  • Crisis Planning-Before the Storm (crisis response team creation and tips for planning ahead)
  • Putting It All Together-Example Scenarios and Responses (transportation accident, health outbreak, inappropriate behavior, and serious injury)
  • Crisis Management Essentials-A 15-Point Plan
  • Sample Prevention Protocols and Response Procedures
  • A Checklist for Staff Training
The book also contains a detailed set of appendices that includes sample statements and letters, American Camp Association research, sample policies, ACA Standards, and bullying.