The Camp Director's Survival Guide - E-Pub

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Michael Jacobus
106 pages
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The Camp Director's Survival Guide is a compilation of the most popular educational training sessions Michael Jacobus has conducted over the past 20 years. His experience includes program, administration, operations, and development for nonprofits, church groups, for-profits, and private camps in over a dozen states and across two continents. Be it day camp, residential camp, or year-round programs, he's been there. His lifelong commitment is to childhood development with a strong focus on integrity, values, and tradition. This commitment has created in him a unique dedication to providing the highest and most in-depth programs to maximize staff performance while achieving the camp's overall mission.


Chapter 1: Think Like a Parent 
How many kids will your camp serve this year? 
Chapter 2: Reputation 
It takes years to build and minutes to lose 
Chapter 3: On With the Show 
How the business of camp is akin to theatre 
Chapter 4: How to Fire a Friend 
Saying goodbye to a member of your camp family 
Chapter 5: Effective Facility Use 
Thinking outside the box 
Chapter 6: Engage the Nonprofit World 
Even for-profit camps can benefit 
Chapter 7: Volunteer Relations 
How to combat analysis paralysis 
Chapter 8: Case Studies 
How to deal with challenging situations 
Chapter 9: Closing Campfire 
Final thoughts & resources