The Cyberbullying Protection Plan for Your Camp

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Now: $27.50
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Joel Haber
78 minutes
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Cyberbullying can have a significantly negative impact on a camp and affect the retention of bothcampers and staff. This type of bullying can happen 365 days a year, through all types of technology.What camp professionals don't know about cyberbullying can and will hurt them. The CyberbullyingProtection Plan for Your Camp details what camp professionals need to know to get out in front ofthis growing problem. They don't want to get caught with fewer campers and unhappy staff whodon't return to camp because they're not aware of what's going on behind their back.

Among the topics covered:

• Cyberbullying: the basics
• How big is the cyberbullying problem?
• What can you do? 10 key points
• Websites
• Consider a cell-phone ban
• Discipline
• Beyond discipline
• Serious cyberbullying
• Camp Internet safety patrol
• Documentation
• Role model appropriate behavior
• Parent partnerships are needed to help defuse these situations if they occur