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Camp and recreation programs have a long history with aquatics activities and aquatics programs. While many of our aquatics staff are trained in pool settings, and some can take a waterfront skills module, the nuances of how to manage a natural waterfront are rarely covered. Waterfront Management for Camp and Recreation Settings, 2nd edition, covers the A-Z of waterfront management. From understanding what a waterfront is, to hiring and training staff, to reviewing unique situations these natural environments possess, this book is a thorough compilation of what every waterfront director and aquatics specialist needs to know. Further camp and recreation professionals who may not be familiar with the nuances on the waterfront but are the ones who hire the staff (including the waterfront or aquatics director) will find this text both insightful and helpful. A comprehensive playbook including training suggestions for keeping your aquatics staff prepared, in-shape, and ready to respond. Waterfront Management for Camp and Recreation Settings provides a clear interpretation of American Camp Association aquatics standards with over 30 years of aquatics expertise.